Vild Studio Comic books logo

Vild Studio Comics by Jonathan Cowen is based in Malmö, Sweden and produces illustrations, comic books
and art.

Summer 2019

Summer 2019

I’m a little late writing a blog about London Film & Comic Con 2019, but summer has been a much needed break, and extremely busy… An oxymoron indeed! Travelling back to my home city is always fun, I get to see family and friends, and I get to show my work at LFCC. It’s fun to meet other comic book creators, and meet people who love comics! Working all year on my own is pretty anti-social, so it’s great to get out at LFCC and meet people. For example, a chap came up and said he wanted issue 5 of Vild, as he wanted to know what happened next (he had got the first 4 issues the previous year). Always blows my mind when you meet someone who is actually reading your work! I think this year has been the best comic con for me, the worst was when I had food poisoning in 2017 (I won’t go into detail). Shout out to the artists who had tables left and right of me at the convention, Juanjo Lopez and John Scarratt! Check their work out on Instagram, great artists. I can’t wait for LFCC 2020.

Keep checking out the Vild Studio Facebook and Instagram pages, I am posting new pages for issue 6, and things are moving along quite quickly this time. I’ve settled into a style of art that I now feel is the right one for me, and knowing this process has helped streamline my production. If you check out all 5 issues of Vild, you will see the progression of my art style, which has been intentional. I’ve been experimenting with different mediums, and I’m happy now with the way I produce art. Though I will still experiment here and there when it comes to covers and pin-ups etc.

Anyway, hope you had a great summer and issue 5 will be out on ComiXology mid-September.

Chat soon, Jon

London film comic con 2019.jpg
London film comic con 2019 02.jpg
First post of 2020

First post of 2020

Vild issue five is finished

Vild issue five is finished