Vild Studio Comic books logo

Vild Studio Comics by Jonathan Cowen is based in Malmö, Sweden and produces illustrations, comic books
and art.

Vild issue five is finished

Vild issue five is finished

After a rather extended wait, issue 5 of Vild is finally finished. The PDF version is out now and can be purchased from our web shop, the Comixology release date is still TBC, and if you want a copy in print it will be launched at this year’s London Film & Comic Con. You might be wondering why this isn’t the final issue? Well, I always planned Vild to be a 5 issue series, but things don’t always go to plan. Issue 5 was meant to be a double size issue, but it was taking too long to finish. So, rather than make you wait even longer, I split the issue in half. Vild is now a six issue series, I hope you don’t mind.

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Here are some pictures from the print version:

Summer 2019

Summer 2019

Copenhagen exhibition

Copenhagen exhibition